Women Entrepreneurs of America Inc.
Proud supporter of WEA
Indianapolis, IN
Founder and National President’s Message

Founder and National President
Women Entrepreneurs of America
Congratulations to all of our WEA members, associates, supporters and friends! Each one of you has helped this professional nonprofit women’s organization improve and define the meaning of being an entrepreneur in your communities. This past year, our WEA members have also made a significant impact in their individual communities. Thank you for the personal time and commitment!
Entrepreneurial Advocacy – WEA will move forward with advocating for our women entrepreneurs and providing timely assistance on individual personnel issues.
Recruitment – WEA will set the agenda and take the lead in recruiting Spanish bilingual and bi-cultural members throughout America. Almost all communities (small, large, rural and urban) are in dire need of bilingual and bi-cultural individuals in their businesses.
Leadership Development – Over 50% of our membership is prepared to step into the role of supervisors, managers, CEOs, and Executive Directors. However, Leadership Development is a continuous process as technology changes, business practices change and society changes. Our members must keep a step-ahead of these changes through national and local training.
Research and Publishing – Many of WEA members are the experts in a plethora of subjects. WEA, Inc., in cooperation with our various of global and international partners, will join in publishing entrepreneurial research, business strategies, & community activities.
Women in Transition – The problem has progressed with the economy being in the state that its in. WEA has partnered with various women in transitioning programs and centers in efforts in assisting these individuals back to society. WEA will provide resources, community awareness seminars, photo partnerships, and response strategies for the Latino communities.
Youth Entrepreneur Development – In each of our global communities, we must continue to mentor our youth and be positive role models, as we have been for the past 8 years. WEA will be hosting Youthpreneur Forums and workshops that will serve as a bridge for the next generation of future business owners.
Women Entrepreneurs Of America has the membership, the capacity, and most importantly, the commitment to reach these goals.
About WEA
Women Entrepreneurs Of America, Inc. was established in 2002 by Entrepreneur Extraordinaire Yolanda Lamar-Wilder. Inspired by her own personal and business experiences in the corporate sector during the 80’s and 90’s, she set out to design an organization based on what she wished had been available to her. Yolanda’s business style is bold and up front and her leadership qualities are inspirational.
Women Entrepreneurs Of America, Inc. is a nonprofit membership-based organization that empowers and encourages women to reach their fullest potential in business. For over 8 years now, this premier business women’s organization has been guiding and supporting women in the pursuit for business success.
The organization offers a balanced range of “membership activities” which are supported by educational services including workshops, seminars and consulting services. Through monthly business luncheons and forums outstanding self-promotion and networking opportunities are made available and, more importantly, encouraged. The ignition of trade between members is one of the organization’s most recognized and valued features.
On joining Women Entrepreneurs Of America, Inc. you instantly tap into an extensive network of business and personal contacts and an environment that is supportive of your personal business goals. Women Entrepreneurs Of America, Inc. continues to grow and lead the way as to be one of the most respected and valuable resources for women in business today.
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Women Entrepreneurs of America, a 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit organization
is launching our charity fundraiser for WEA Charity Campaign.
Supporting programs like, mentoring youth programs (girls), re-entry initiative programs and educational grants for start up businesses.
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Visit our donation page by clicking the button to the right.
National Chapter of Women Entrepreneurs Of America National Monthly Membership Meetings in Cleveland, Ohio scheduled for every 3rd Saturday of the month. A great opportunity to come and meet with some of the National Leaders of the organization and hear more of the growth of Women Entrepreneurs Of America. Meeting will be held at the Louis Stokes Cleveland Public Library, 525 Superior Avenue, 11am. For more info, contact Founder and National President, Yolanda Lamar at 317-500-5868 or email weainc2002@yahoo.com
Detroit Chapter of Women Entrepreneurs Of America Welcome to WEA Detroit Synergy “We generate positive perceptions and opinions about Detroit by bringing together a diverse community and building upon the City’s strengths and resources to realize a common vision for a greater Detroit.”
It takes great pleasure to introduce to you, the first (1st) global chapter implemented of the National Chapter of Women Entrepreneurs Of America, Inc. These are the “Women Who Believe” Chapter of Women Entrepreneurs Of America, Inc.
The Detroit Chapter was implemented by a woman who connected with this organization at the National Headquarters located in Cleveland, Ohio. After attending our 3rd Anniversary Meeting in November of 2005, she felt that there needed to be a presence of supporting more women entrepreneurs in business of this magnitude in the Motor City of Detroit, Michigan. The Detroit Chapter of Women Entrepreneurs Of America, Inc. was formed in January of 2006 under the leadership of Ms. Selena Jackson. For more information about joining the Detroit Chapter, Contact Ms. Sheryl Mathis at 313-772-0739
Muskegon Chapter (Sub-Chapter of Detroit) For more information, call National Office at 888-871-3566
Indianapolis Chapter of Women Entrepreneurs of America The Indianapolis Chapter was birthed from the native roots of our Founder, Yolanda Lamar. Her native homeland is Gary, Indiana and in her return back to the Hoosier state in 2005, she felt that there needed to be a presence of supporting more women entrepreneurs in business as she had implemented in the City of Cleveland, Ohio in 2002. The Indianapolis Chapter of Women Entrepreneurs Of America, Inc. was formed March of 2006 under the leadership of Ms. Vivian Barnes. For more info, call the Indianapolis Chapter Office at 317-259-4801 or 888-871-3566. You can also contact the Membership Committee Chair, Lavonda McIntosh 317-201-2833. Email Us: weainc2002@yahoo.com
St. Louis Chapter of Women Entrepreneurs Of America The St. Louis Chapter is continuing to grow with new members! The vision of the WEA, Inc-St. Louis Chapter is to bring together women of all backgrounds into one unity of power to encourage women in business and to help those in need within our community. Anyone interested in sponsoring a networking event at your establishment or interested in learning more about the St. Louis Chapter, please contact me, Founder and National President at 888-871-3566 or contact the Interim President, Makeba Dunlap-Giles at 314-610-2475.
Philadelphia, PA. ~ Atlanta, GA. ~ Florida Chapter Meetings and locations will be announced soon! For More Information, call 888-871-3566
Chicago Chapter of Women Entrepreneurs of America are two organizations whose purpose is:
- to facilitate networking between entrepreneurs
- to assist in the growth and success of each member’s business
Membership is exclusive to business owners and those aspiring to own businesses. For more information on joining, contact us at 888-871-3566
Women Entrepreneurs of America Inc.
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in conjunction with Women Entrepreneurs Of America, Inc.
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