so, when I created the “Super Heroic Franchise/Character” called ©THE V.O.O.I.C.E., aka Cornelius MD=(; it was not just randomly doing a Character, without doing a lot of research and thought and more research. I studied many songs, and the Movie called Mr. Holland’s Opus – Trailer ( and I studied “MICHAEL JACKSON’S “THRILLER” ( and the story of The story of Lazarus is known from the Gospel narrative of John (11:18, 30, 32, 38). Lazarus of Bethany was the brother of Martha and Mary and lived at Bethany, near Jerusalem. When Lazarus died, he was raised by Jesus from the dead after he had been entombed for four days.
and I studied our own “FOUNDING CREATION FRANCHISED SERIES called: ©The L.A.Z.E.R.U.S. Project: ©L.A.Z.E.R.U.S.-The Man Made Super Hero ( )
many of “y’all” may never understand HOW “MUSIC” and the ©THE S.P.I.R.I.T. OF MUSIC UNIVERSE®; AKA ©THE LEGEND OF THE TRUE MUSIC MAKERS could help The “BLIND and the DEAF”??
in the Movie Mr. Holland’s Opus, Glenn Holland ( Richard Dreyfuss ) is a Musician a MUSIC TEACHER who (of all things, has a Deaf SON) and Glenn H. Teaches an “x-Athlete” Star, Terrance Howard, aka Louis Russ, about MUSIC and how to be in the BAND and MUSIC Composition. Glen Holland utilized the History of
Wolfgang Amadeus MozartComposer ( )
how could/can a Deaf person “COMPOSE/FEEL/HEAR” some of the Greatest MUSIC of HISTORY?? “VIBRATIONS/SOUND WAVES/ ©THE S.P.I.R.I.T. OF MUSIC ”
although the Movie: Mr. Holland’s Opus made me cry; it also Gave me “INSTANT BRAIN FARTS” of seeking how to Help “CURE” or at least “HELP the DEAF HEAR the WAVES/Vibrations of SOUND.
we will CONT… this later this week, maybe tomorrow??!!