®TDM Comics International
Business, Marketing, and Growth Visionary PLAN
®TDM Comics
Heading for the Clouds, above the Forest, beyond the Trees!
®TDM Comics
Securing National and International ™T.E.A.M. Mates for Building a World ©T.E.A.M. of Media, Comics, Entertainment, Production, and Endorsement Products Business
Ambassadors of Positive Entertainment & Media for Multi-Cultural/Multi-National Peoples
This Company, Called ©TDM COMICS, is hereto formed in order to serve National & International markets, people, citizens, and cultures with a diverse array of Entertainment, Media, Publishing, and Production of Comics, Cartoons, Children’s products, Animations, Videos, Games, Films, and other related fun, educationally Family Media products & brands.
The undeserved Cultures of Diversity within these Media/Entertainment Markets; should receive, and respond positively to this new & exciting company’s goals and missions to make lives more enjoyable, with new, developing, cutting edge, and futuristic brands of products & services.
The partners, owners, and executives of this ©TDM COMICS company shall seek to make families live more interestingly, educated, excited, fun and excited lives, by providing them with the wide diverse mixture of world wide culturally presented and provided products and brands.
History of this Organization and Background
This ©TDM COMICS Company’s top Executives, decided to form a ©T.E.A.M. of MATES, after obtaining the knowledge that each of them were working separately to establish themselves as players in the Entertainment, Publishing, Writing, Books, Media Industries
Some were planning to publish, some were writing, some were publishing, some were into comics’ creations, and some were seeking to establish Film, Animation productions & Cartoons.
The original top executives Terry Reece, Darrick Tucker, and Michele MA’KO’, brainstormed together to formulate a workable ©T.E.A.M. Mates type of philosophy, which would prove to make each of them individually stronger, by their collectively working together towards a more ©T.E.A.M. oriented set of missions and goals. Other MATES are strategically recruited and added.
The ©T.E.A.M. of MATES Philosophy:
YES WE CAN!” How I explain Working Together “YES WE CAN”! & “©T.E.A.M”
TEAM: T) = TOGETHER E) = Each of US Working Towards A) = Attaining & Applying Our Perspective Skills M) = Mutually beneficial Missions & Goals
Although we all may have our own separate companies, visions, goals, and thoughts of how WE can get to where we want to go, MOST IMPORTANT thing to always reflect upon is that we have to learn to work together, better, as a people, BETTER as a ©T.E.A.M., to help cause the necessary paradigm shift of breaking the chains & the glass ceilings.
“A Rope, with many braided fibers and threads is stronger than, a single thread or fiber.”
Thus: a “© T.E.A.M”. Of MATES can accomplish heights beyond the trees and SOAR as “EAGLES & DOVES” above the forests, hills, and valleys towards the greater heights of the skies and beyond.”