Supersonic flight is when an aircraft travels faster than the speed of sound. At an altitude of 60,000ft (18,300m), that means flying faster than 660mph (1,060km/h). A typical passenger jet may cruise at about 560mph (900km/h) but Overture is expected to reach speeds of 1,122mph (1,805km/h) – also known as Mach 1.7.

IN A RECENT ARTICLE: United plans supersonic passenger flights by 2029

An Overture supersonic plane in United livery


(Credit: Nasa)

7.9 kilometers per secondRocket speed If a rocket is launched from the surface of the Earth, it needs to reach a speed of at least 7.9 kilometers per second (4.9 miles per second) in order to reach space. This speed of 7.9 kilometers per second is known as the orbital velocity, it corresponds to more than 20 times the speed of sound.

The current speed record has stood for 46 years. When will it be beaten, asks Adam Hadhazy.W

We humans are obsessed with speed. Recent months, for instance, brought news that students in Germany have broken the record for the fastest accelerating electric car, and that the US Air Force plans to develop hypersonic jets that would travel at more than five times the speed of sound – that’s speeds in excess of 3,790mph (6,100km/h).

Those jets would carry no crew – but not because humans can’t travel at such high speeds. In fact, humans have already travelled many times faster than Mach 5. Is there some limit, however, beyond which hurtling bodies can no longer bear the strain of speed?

The current human speed record is shared equally by the trio of astronauts who flew Nasa’s Apollo 10 mission. On their way back from a lap around the Moon in 1969, the astronauts’ capsule hit a peak of 24,790mph (39,897km/h) relative to planet Earth. “I think a hundred years ago, we probably wouldn’t have imagined a human could travel in space at almost 40,000 kilometres per hour,” says Jim Bray of the aerospace firm Lockheed Martin.


enterprise at warp tmp

186,282 miles per secondBecome an Insider. In the sci-fi universe of “Star Trek,” spaceships with warp drives can zoom past the normally impenetrable limit of light speed, or about 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second) in a vacuum.

enterprise at warp tmp

Credit: Paramount/CBS

Star Trek’s warp speed travel would have tragic consequences

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Cassidy Ward@cassidyward Feb 26, 2020, 4:07 PM EST (Updated) 1.8k Shared

Tag: Movies Tag: Science Tag: TV Tag: Features Tag: Science Behind the Fiction Tag: Star Trek

The universe is big. Like, really big. Bigger, even, than several IKEAs strung end to end, if you can believe it. It’s so big that just getting to the Moon, which seems so close sometimes you feel like you could reach out and grab it, takes a few days. Getting to Mars, our best candidate for setting boots on another world, is an even worse prospect. The numbers get a little wiggly, owing to the constant movement of the two involved planets, but a crewed trip to Mars, using current technology, would take about nine months. That’s quite a road trip.

The point is, there’s a whole lot of space out there and getting anywhere interesting takes way too long. We are a society hell-bent on immediate gratification. It’s why instant noodles exist.

Science fiction writers have imagined all sorts of solutions for this specific problem. Waiting decades or centuries for our protagonists to arrive on another world can make for stagnant storytelling, so we’ve dreamed up hyper-drives and subspace tunneling. Perhaps most famous among these fictional solutions is Star Trek‘s warp drive.

In the 23rd and 24th centuries, traveling to the edges of the cosmos is as simple as pushing a button, presuming you’ve got a well-stocked store of dilithium crystals. The enlisted members of Starfleet enjoy spacecraft capable not only of moving at a significant fraction of light speed but of dispensing with this universal constant altogether. Who needs relativity, anyway?

It makes for better storytelling. The various crews of Trek‘s slate of television shows and movies can get from here to there without much fanfare. Seeking out new worlds and new civilizations is no more difficult than gassing up the car and packing a cooler full of junk food. And they don’t even need to do that! The replicators will crank out a bologna sandwich just like mom used to make. All that’s left is to go, but what happens then?

Say goodbye to your friends and family, we’re about to explore the cost of traveling at warp speeds.


The crews of our favorite Star Trek shows regularly travel at velocities far outpacing the speed of light. Warp one, a veritable snail’s pace in the world of Trek, is equal to the speed of light. Warp speeds exceeding warp one equal a multiple of C (the speed of light), but the exact speeds are….

Rapid acceleration and deceleration can be lethal to the human organism

Pilots are tested in centrifuges such as these to see how many Gs their bodies can withstand (Credit: Science Photo Library)


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