Regenerative Architecture
Live in community,
in harmony with the land.
Geoship is a regenerative village building platform, owned by the people, in service to the Earth. Our vision is a revolution in affordable regenerative architecture to reconnect human communities with the natural world.
Earth-Friendly Homes
You’ve been waiting for architecture to evolve. For affordability, sustainability, resilience and healing to finally come together. Out beyond ideas of right angles and hard lines, there’s a bioceramic dome. We’ll meet you there.2020 NEWS: Geoship raised $1M in Seed funding from 1800+ equity investors through Start Engine!i https://www.youtube.com/embed/eZiXKXUPa4c
Reduce your mortgage and energy bills by 50%. 1
Reconnect with the Earth and uplevel your health.2
With a company that’s owned by you.3

“A revolution in safe, sustainable, affordable community architecture.”
“The domes are built from bioceramic—a sturdy, recyclable material that offsets CO2.”
“Are these fireproof, hurricane-proof geodesic domes the post-climate change house of the future?”
“These Carbon-Neutral Bioceramic Geodesic Dome Homes Last 500 Years and Don’t Rot, Burn, or Rust”More press…
Live in community,
in harmony with the land.
Geoship is a regenerative village building platform, owned by the people, in service to the Earth. Our vision is a revolution in affordable regenerative architecture to reconnect human communities with the natural world.
Nature’s Composite
From the Pyramids of Giza to bones and seashells, this is nature’s composite.
Geometry Of Life
From the gravitational field itself to molecules and virus capsids, this is the geometry of life.

The ultimate material,
the ultimate form.
- Affordable
- Energy Efficient 4
- Carbon Sequestering 5
- Biophilic
- 100% Non-Toxic
- Fire Resistant 6
- Disaster Resilient 7
- 500 Year Design Life 8
- Low Embodied CO2 9
- EMF Harmonizing 10
- Passive Solar Heating
- Chemical Free
- Packed In Container
- Installed In Days 11
- Near Zero Waste
- Recyclable 12
One Possible Configuration of a Family Dome
Corporations are owned by investors, Geoship is owned by you.3
We have a revolutionary idea. We believe you should own the businesses you buy from, just for being a customer. New companies are the biggest wealth generators on the planet. We’re going to distribute that wealth through a profit-for-all cooperative model.
Earth Activists
Customer Communities
Team and

The housing industry needs a new game board.
A home on the land is your right.
But the current industry treats a home as a speculative good. Average Americans can no longer afford a home in over 70% of the country.13
You’re forced to rent or buy flimsy, toxic, and inefficient housing.
They tell you climate change is killing life on Earth. And that it’s your fault.
You’re a being of light, water, and electromagnetism. Deeply connected to Mother Earth.
Over 40% of global CO2 emissions come from building construction and operation.14
The housing industry doesn’t give two shifts about your bioelectric field. Or your Mother.
Loneliness has become an epidemic.
Over 50% of Americans suffer from chronic disease and studies show that 70% of chronic disease is environmental.15
The boxes we live in disconnect us from one another and the natural world.
Loneliness is killing more people than smoking or obesity.16
We’re ending this cycle of human suffering.
Geoship homes save you money, are better for the Earth, and way better for your health.
We won’t just disrupt the current industry. We’ll stand over its grave until we’re sure that it’s dead.
We start with a new material science. It enables mass production of regenerative homes.
Bioceramic homes reconnect human communities with the natural world.
We give you the tools to gather your people and collaborate to design a village.
We hold your hand through the entire design-build process.
Finally, we do something investors tell us is crazy.
We make every customer a shareholder.
We’re talking real ownership. Shares. You’re in on the ground floor of a high-growth technology company.
This fundamentally reshapes the home building industry, and capitalism itself.
Our success becomes your success. Welcome to the #futureofhome.
Ok. You’re in.
What’s the next step?
Homes for the domeless. We’re partnering with Zappos, City Repair Project, Buckminster Fuller Institute, and others to build the world’s first permanent geodesic village—a gift to the Las Vegas homeless community. Then we’ll throttle up until we end domelessness for everybody—without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anybody.
You want to see a dome.
You’re about to come aboard an entrepreneurial journey. We’re in the development phase and moving quickly toward production. Sign up below for more information. Regenerative geodesic villages are coming…
“It’s everybody or nobody.”
Social Purpose
Create tools for healthy living in community in harmony with the land.
Design and produce affordable, regenerative homes.
1) By “Efficient” we mean bioceramic geodesic homes will save you money. Turnkey price estimates (including foundation, delivery, installation, and finishing touches) for Geoship homes range from $55,000 for a tiny home, to $250,000 for a large home. In many cases this will be at least a 50% reduction in mortgage and utility bills compared to a conventional home. We are confident that our technology enables the leap onto a new affordability curve, but pricing will not be set until production begins. Geoship villages will optionally include solar panels, battery packs, and passive solar heating/cooling to reduce energy bills.
2) By “regenerative” we mean ecologically regenerative and biologically regenerative. Bioceramic domes are ecologically regenerative because we expect they will a) last >500 years b) sequester CO2 c) utilize non-toxic waste stream materials d) be recyclable e) maximize operational efficiency f) generate power on-site g) recycle water h) have integrated food growing systems. Bioceramic domes are biologically regenerative because they will have a) 100% non-toxic materials b) ceramic earthing floors c) natural spectrum lighting d) harmonize EMF pollution e) use phase conjugate magnetics to structure water. Bioceramic homes mimic nature. They optimize the light, water, and electromagnetic environment.
3) By “owned by you” we mean Geoship will transition into multi-stakeholder cooperative ownership. Customers will own between 30% and 70% of the company. We are testing various ways to structure ownership, and details will be announced when we move beyond the startup phase.
4) By “energy efficient” we mean a two story geodesic has about 50% less surface area than a two story rectangular home with equal floor space. Half the surface area means double the insulation. Furthermore, the R-value per inch of cellular ceramic insulation is about double that of conventional fiberglass insulation. Thermal bridging is minimal because bioceramic domes do not have frames. The dome creates a very tight envelope that lends itself well to air exchange by natural convection (rather than by disruptive fans). The ceramics also reflect over 80% of the sun’s radiation, forming a highly efficient “cool roof”. The electrochromic skylights and automated vents work with strategically placed thermal masses and a geospatial recognition system to passively heat and cool the dome.
5) By “carbon sequestering” we mean ceramic panels will sequester significant amounts of CO2. The cellular ceramic insulation offers a lot of surface area for CO2 sequestration. Additionally, the ceramic panels may be cured in a CO2 rich gas environment in order to accelerate the natural carbon sequestration process. We believe it is possible for bioceramic domes to sequester more CO2 than was released in their production. Making possible truly carbon-negative architecture. We are not currently making any claims around “carbon negativity”. But we are realistically optimistic.
6) By “fire resistant” we mean bioceramic domes will not burn. The ceramic composite materials are fireproof to 2,500F. The exterior, insulation, and interior of bioceramic domes are all ceramic composite materials.
7) By “disaster resilient” we mean flood resilient, earthquake resilient, hurricane resilient, and insect resilient.
Flood Resilient: Bioceramics are highly crystalline. When a sample is submerged in water, it only absorbs about 2%-3% of its weight (without chemical additives or sealants). Portland concrete, on the other hand, will absorb about 20% of its weight, because it is porous and non-crystalline. In most flooding situations, a conventional house must be immediately stripped of the drywall and insulation so that it can dry out. If this is not done within about 1 week, generally the house becomes uninhabitable due to mold growth. Based upon the material properties we expect that bioceramic domes will be able to withstand being submerged in water for very long periods of time; simply drying out with no damage to the shell.
Earthquake Resilient: In an earthquake failures occur at the moment connections of the structure (where columns meet beams). Bioceramic domes have no moment connections. The mesh and fiber reinforcing make it impossible for the panels to crumble into pieces. Monolithic domes are considered to be among the most earthquake resistant buildings ever constructed.
Hurricane Resilient: The physical geometry of a building affects its aerodynamic properties and how well it can withstand a storm. Geodesic domes have low drag coefficients and can withstand very high wind forces. The bioceramic dome should be considered “monolithic” as the ceramic seams chemically bond the panels together, making the installed dome practically seamless. All indications are that bioceramic domes will be highly resistant to hurricanes.
Insect resilient: Termites, wood bees, carpenter ants, spiders, etc will not survive burrowing through bioceramic insulation. Bioceramic insulation is a desiccant, it’s abrasiveness wears away their exoskeleton and dries them up.
8) By “500 year design life” we mean the bioceramic dome is designed to last for over 500 years. Ceramics are like stone, they can last practically forever. Portland cement is non-crystalline and hydraulically bonded. Bioceramics are very different. They are crystalline and covalently/ionically bonded. They have been well proven in several critical industries. The cracking and corrosion you see with Portland concrete (due primarily to water penetration) is practically eliminated. Damage to the ceramic panels can be easily repaired in minutes with the ceramic material. It is an inorganic polymer and forms waterproof repairs. Bioceramic can also be sprayed like a paint to resurface the dome to like new condition every 100 years or so.
9) By “low embodied CO2” we mean the energy embodied in the building materials of a conventional American wood box house (plywood, lumber, steel, concrete, shingles, insulation, drywall, paint, etc) it’s at least 20x greater than a bioceramic dome of equal floor space. This is an inexact science, but it’s easy to see how replacing all those traditional materials and building products with nothing but low energy ceramic composites will make a dramatic difference. With technology development and more conscious raw material harvesting, we expect the bioceramic dome to have at least 100x less embodied energy than a conventional wood box house. It is also well documented that MGO ceramics sequester large amounts of CO2 over their lifespan, potentially even more than was used in their production, making truly “carbon-negative” architecture possible.
10) By “EMF Harmonizing” we mean bioceramic domes are designed according to the principles of Biogeometry©. The high dielectric ceramics and fractal geometry also work together to restore centripetal charge forces. Radiation shielding aggregates can also be added to the ceramic to reduce the radiation from nearby cell and wifi towers. However, Biogeometry is about harmonizing EMF, not blocking it out. This is a new field of scientific discovery. Geoship is making no claims here, but we are very excited about the potential to mitigate the harmful effects of non-native EMF in homes of the future.
11) By “installed in days” we mean once the site is prepped and the foundation is poured, the bioceramic dome can be installed in just a few days. Potentially in just a single day with the small dome. There are many factors here but generally ceramic panel construction can be installed much more quickly than conventional construction.
12) By “recyclable” we mean we expect the bioceramic panels can be pulverized with emerging vortex wind technology (aka “tornado in a can”), molecularly separated, and reconstituted into new panels. Alternatively, the bioceramic panels can be recycled into aggregate for new bioceramic panels or used as fertilizer.
13) CBS News – May 28, 2019 – Average Americans can’t afford a home in 70 percent of the country
14) World Green Building Council – Global Status Report 2017
15) Fight Chronic Disease.org – More than 133 million Americans, or 45 percent of the population, have at least one chronic disease.
US National Institutes of Health – A new paradigm is needed to assess how a lifetime of exposure to environmental factors affects the risk of developing chronic diseases. Although the risks of developing chronic diseases are attributed to both genetic and environmental factors, 70 to 90% of disease risks are probably due to environmental factors.
16) Medical News Today – Two new meta-analyses from Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, UT, reveal that loneliness and social isolation may increase the risk of premature death by up to 50 percent. This is more than obesity or smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
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