Devil DOGG, the Inferno-Hound Kindle Edition
by Terry Reece (Author), Alethea Van Holland (Illustrator) Format: Kindle Edition
©Devil DOGG, aka ©Inferno-Hound, evolved, and decided to be sometimes “GOOD”, and yet, sometimes He’s “BBAADDD”!
*His POWERS are “SUPER NATURALLY” originated.
*He is a Drifter of the forces of the elements.
Developmental Forward and History
In the year of 600; BC, there was a young man, named Divinestaveous; (pronounced devin-“ES”-“TAV”-“US”), and Martineous; (pronounced; “MARS”-“TEN”-“US”), who in modern times, is now called Devin Martin, although his original name was, derived from the Latin “divines”, divine or god-like, from “deus”, meaning god, his travels down through history have shortened the name to Devin Martin . The name Martin is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Martin is: Of Mars (the Roman god of war).
The ancient Greeks were fascinated by Mars. Its blood red color led them to attribute the planet to Ares, their god of war. When the Romans conquered the Greeks, they renamed the gods and the planet Ares became the planet Mars. All planets in our solar system are named for Roman gods.
SO, the young man, has become a Creature having the “spirit and Ghost of the Ancient roman god of war, as his soul.
The wild animals most sacred to Mars were the woodpecker, the wolf, and the bear, which in the natural lore of the Romans were said always to inhabit the same foothills and woodlands, with the soul of Mars.
NOW, after countless eons and years of time, Space, and dimensions; MARS, in the body of ©Devin Martin who is; ©Devil DOGG, aka ©Inferno-Hound, has appeared into the Modern day of Men.
•Sometimes with the Head of the “WOLF”
•Sometimes with the Face/Head of the “Bear”
•Sometimes with the Head of a The “Woodpecker”
•BUT, during some of the normal (if we can ever really say that “normal Times”); he is some handsome young regular looking man who could be your new neighbor since whenever. (Time for him is not relevant, anyway)
•From his name, he sounds like he could’ve been a leader or royalty or even a priest of some type? Depending on where you want him to come from, this would change the title he had in 600 b.c. Just an idea 😀
•Clothing: I was thinking he wears a cloak or a trenchcoat of sorts. It can be raggedy/torn from his travels, it flows down from his shoulders and billows behind him and bunched around his neck. He can also use this to cover his face as a half mask. That, or he can wear a half mask that covers his nose & mouth with an intimidating design around the mouth (like fangs or something). I was also thinking he could wear a hat, like a western hat of some type and goggles whenever he’s readying to travel. Inside his cloak, since he travels the cosmos and time itself, I was thinking the inside of his cloak could reflect the cosmos themselves. This could be simply only an aesthetic look or it looks like the galaxies are “alive” within the shadows of his cloak. The Cloak itself doesn’t have to be magical or anything, it can just be an old piece of clothing he has that has acquired this strange look of reflecting the cosmos in it’s folds due to Inferno’s travels.
•Maybe only shows his face during pivotal points in the story? Or he can also show his face when he’s “blending” among regular humans.
“FAST-FORWARD in Time & Space”
Today is such a Great Day in the world of young Devin Martin. It’s March 15th, the year of 2020, and Devin is happy that his Birthday of 18 years old is today! Within the house of the Martin family, there are decorations already placed throughout the large Family Room, with anticipation for the coming Birthday-Boy’s celebration.
SO, Devin and his Family and friends, and the world has no idea of what looms ahead for them, when the Clock strikes 6:00PM, on his birthday. (Books By Terry “The Warrior” Reece); BRAND NEW/EXCITING/RELEASE!!!!!!!!