(C)The L.A.Z.E.R.U.S. Project

About The Warrior

I am Honored to be Your Friend: we "HONOR" WOMEN & MOMS, and MILITARY Females with our NEW, EXCITING "G.i.J.i.M.O.M." Series: http://thesiborg.com/ http://familymediasite.com/ http://tdmcomics.com/ We are ®Reece ENTERPRISES/©REECENETRICS™/®FAMILY MEDIA COMPANY™/©TDM Comics International; a small but slowly/Strategically growing group of Companies, Creating Comics, and Entertainment Products & “Brands” geared Towards the World Wide Diverse People, of many Cultures and Nations to “spread the love of Positive Images for peoples of All Colors, World wide!” Our Comics Books have Different Strategic Designs, as Our Own Special ways of Supporting Literacy, Reading, and The ARTS & Libraries of Education. Terry Reece, aka “the Warrior” Super Hero Founder/Chairman/CEO Writer/Copywriter/Creator of The Closet Cove and the L.A.Z.E.R.U.S. project, and the "G.i.J.i.M.O.M." Series Brand warrior_75210@yahoo.com