
The World Chamber of Commerce wcc@worldchamberc.org
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The World Chamber of Commerce | 2870 Peachtree Rd, # 435 , Atlanta,, GA 30305

Jimmy Carter
39TH President of the United States
“When I was elected President, one
of my major goals was to enhance
human rights and to strengthen the
ties of friendship and understanding
and mutual respect between our
Nation and the small, sometimes
weak, new nations of the world,
those whose people might be black
or brown or yellow and who in the
past had sometimes distrusted our
country because there was a lack of
understanding on our own leaders’
part of them. I asked Andy Young

to leave the Congress and to serve
as our U.N. Ambassador. He did it
reluctantly. But when he went to
the United Nations he served
our Nation superbly.”

Connecting Generations “It is not enough for those of us
who are no longer young to preach
the responsibilities of citizenship.
We must make connections
between generations of individuals
who are committed to action,
sharing hard-won knowledge and
equally hard-won hope that action
can result in change.”
– The Honorable Andrew J. Young

CONT… https://files.constantcontact.com/6cd5df5a001/a2cffd08-8d27-41ee-90da-9f74693cdd1f.pdf

“It is not enough for those of us
who are no longer young to preach
the responsibilities of citizenship.
We must make connections
between generations of individuals
who are committed to action,
sharing hard-won knowledge and
equally hard-won hope that action
can result in change.”
– The Honorable Andrew J. Young

CONT… https://files.constantcontact.com/6cd5df5a001/a2cffd08-8d27-41ee-90da-9f74693cdd1f.pdf


About The Warrior

I am Honored to be Your Friend: we "HONOR" WOMEN & MOMS, and MILITARY Females with our NEW, EXCITING "G.i.J.i.M.O.M." Series: http://thesiborg.com/ http://familymediasite.com/ http://tdmcomics.com/ We are ®Reece ENTERPRISES/©REECENETRICS™/®FAMILY MEDIA COMPANY™/©TDM Comics International; a small but slowly/Strategically growing group of Companies, Creating Comics, and Entertainment Products & “Brands” geared Towards the World Wide Diverse People, of many Cultures and Nations to “spread the love of Positive Images for peoples of All Colors, World wide!” Our Comics Books have Different Strategic Designs, as Our Own Special ways of Supporting Literacy, Reading, and The ARTS & Libraries of Education. Terry Reece, aka “the Warrior” Super Hero Founder/Chairman/CEO Writer/Copywriter/Creator of The Closet Cove and the L.A.Z.E.R.U.S. project, and the "G.i.J.i.M.O.M." Series Brand warrior_75210@yahoo.com