®TDM Comics International

®TDM Comics International

This Company, Called ©TDM COMICS International, AKA ®TDM Comics, is hereto formed in order to serve National & International markets, people, citizens, and cultures with a diverse array of Entertainment, Media, Publishing, and Production of Comics, Cartoons, Children’s products, Animations, Videos, Games, Films, and other related fun, educationally Family Media products & brands.

The undeserved Cultures of Diversity within these Media/Entertainment Markets; should receive, and respond positively to this new & exciting company’s goals and missions to make lives more enjoyable, with new, developing, cutting edge, and futuristic brands of products & services.

The partners, owners, and executives of this ©TDM COMICS company shall seek to make families live more interestingly, educated, excited, fun and excited lives, by providing them with the wide diverse mixture of world wide culturally presented and provided products and brands.

History of this Organization and Background

This ©TDM COMICS Company’s top Executives, decided to form a ©T.E.A.M. of MATES, after obtaining the knowledge that each of them were working separately to establish themselves as players in the Entertainment, Publishing, Writing, Books, Media Industries

Some were planning to publish, some were writing, some were publishing, some were into comics’ creations, and some were seeking to establish Film, Animation productions & Cartoons.

The original top executives Terry Reece, Darrick Tucker, and Michele MA’KO’, brainstormed together to formulate a workable ©T.E.A.M. Mates type of philosophy, with would prove to make each of them individually stronger, by their collectively working together towards a more ©T.E.A.M. oriented set of missions and goals. Other MATES are strategically recruited and added.

The ©T.E.A.M. of MATES Philosophy:

YES WE CAN!” How I explain Working Together “YES WE CAN”! & ©T.E.A.M”

TEAM: T) = TOGETHER  E) = Each of US Working Towards  A) = Attaining & Applying Our Perspective Skills  M) = Mutually beneficial Missions & Goals

Although we all may have our own separate companies, visions, goals, and thoughts of how WE can get to where we want to go, MOST IMPORTANT thing to always reflect upon is that we have to learn to work together, better, as a people, BETTER as a ©T.E.A.M., to help cause the necessary paradigm shift of breaking the chains & the glass ceilings.

“A Rope, with many braided fibers and threads is stronger than, a single thread or fiber.”

Thus: a © T.E.A.M”. Of MATES can accomplish heights beyond the trees and SOAR as “EAGLES & DOVES” above the forests, hills, and valleys towards the greater heights of the skies and beyond.”

Founding Management ©T.E.A.M. MATES

Mr Darrick. Tucker: CEO of Marketing & Artist/Illustrations; is the founder and President/CEO of The Tucker Group. The Tucker Group was the parent company for Nitro Enterprises – a commercial furniture company, and United Freight Systems (UFS) a courier company. The Tucker Group released these two very successful companies to take on other ventures. These new business ventures will be more profitably and vital for them and others nationwide.

The Tucker Group is now the parent & holding company to The Black Galaxy (TBG) an information company; Church of Christ Directory (COCD) a Christian information company; and Paradise ~ Marketing & Consulting (Paradise ~ MC) – a marketing, consulting & web site firm.

  1. Nitro Enterprises/Dallas, TX
    1987 – 2001
    Commercial Modular Furniture Company:
  2. Mr. Tucker managed Nitro Enterprises of Dallas, Texas for over thirteen years. Nitro Enterprises was an office furniture installation and reconfiguration company that had a strong customer base, which included Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Board, Texas Instruments, World Cup USA ’94, Bank One, and other well known companies. These companies are some of the largest and most respected companies in their industry. World Cup Soccer is the largest sporting event in the world!

  3. United Freight Systems (UFS)/Dallas TX and Memphis, TN
    1998 – 2001
  4. The Black Galaxy, Inc. (TBG)/Memphis, TN
    2000 – Current
    Information Company
  5. Church of Christ Directory (COC Directory & COCD)/Memphis, TN
    2000 – Current
    Christian Information Company
  6. Paradise ~ Marketing & Consulting (Paradise ~ MC)/Memphis, TN
    2002 – Current
    Marketing, Consulting & Web Site Firm


  • Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Board (Nitro/UFS/TBG)
  • Texas Instruments – Dallas/Fort Worth, TX (Nitro)
  • World Cup USA ’94 – Dallas/Fort Worth, TX (Nitro)
  • Texas Department of Human Services – Houston, TX (Nitro)
  • Bank One – Dallas/Fort Worth & Houston, TX (Nitro/UFS)
  • McDonald’s – Dallas/Fort Worth, TX (Nitro)
  • A Plus Company – Memphis, TN (Paradise ~ MC)
  • Church of Christ Directory – Memphis, TN (Paradise ~ MC)
  • Deb’s Apparel and Uniforms – Austin, TX (Paradise ~ MC)
  • K Strategies – Dallas, TX (Paradise ~ MC)
  • The MULE – Memphis, TN (Paradise ~ MC)
  • PW Enterprise – Memphis, TN (Paradise ~ MC)
  • Women Supporting Women – Austin, TX (Paradise ~ MC)
  • Toles, Inc. – Memphis, TN (Paradise ~ MC)
  • Boyd’s Interior – Memphis, TN (Paradise ~ MC)

Terry Reece, CEO of Global Business Affairs

The Founder, Chairman, President, and CEO of Reece Enterprises/Time Travel Network, Inc./FAMILY MEDIA Company has a diverse background in management, sales, and marketing positions with several retail automotive industry companies. The CEO has over 20 years of ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certified experience as a Master Auto Technician. During many of these years, he also served as a Service Manager, Store Manager, and Lead Tech Specialist.

Awards and Associations

A 2002 Distinguished Poet of Merit Award winner, Mr. Reece is an Internationally recognized Poet and Author. Invited each year to Nominations for his Poetry to participate in The International Society of Poets’ Convention and Awards Symposium in Washington DC, Mr. Reece has Self-Published “Ladies & Gents-You AutoKnow”, and is currently rewriting His Spiritual Autobiography (” A Life Full of Testimonies”).

Past and Present memberships of Associations and organizations include: The Texas Writer’s Association, The National Inventor’s Association, NAACP, Pylon Salesmanship Club, NIBA (New Image Business Associates), Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce, Lancaster Chamber of Commerce, Duncanville Chamber of Commerce, Cedar Hill Chamber of Commerce, City of Lancaster Board of Adjustments, City of Cedar Hill Board of Adjustments, 1996–1997Graduate of Leadership Southwest, Board member of The Friends of Red Bird Airport, and Lifetime member of The International Society of Poets.

Book Title: The Closet Cove

Book Subtitle: And the Evil Legacy of the Johnson Family Curse

Author: Terry “The Warrior” Reece

Back Cover Text:

The Closet Cove and the Evil Legacy of the Johnson Family Curse takes readers on a journey to a forbidden place, where a mysterious doorway leaves behind today’s world and travels through a portal to the Cove.

The Cove is a closet that leads to a parallel universe of magic and wickedness, where 300 years ago cruelties were perpetuated by Debra Johnson, an evil witch and the ancestor of today’s Johnson family.

What kinds of creatures lurk behind the closet door? And what kind of revenge awaits the descendants of those who burned the witch so many years ago? Behind the doors of The Closet Cove, the answer awaits.

Author Terry “The Warrior” Reece began writing as a hobby in 1987. He wrote a line of books suitable for video games, films and animation. As he watched his 2-year-old playing the Super Mario video game, Reece realized that children could also learn other skills as they played. The Closet Cove first emerged as a poem he published in 1990. Reece began writing his Closet Cove stories as a magical place for children to visit when they wanted to escape the crazy world of adults. When Reece was a child, he was bullied and sought escape in his favorite hiding place, through the closet door that led up to the attic, which he called The Closet Cove. The prolific author grew up in Texarkana and now lives in Detroit. A 2002 Distinguished Poet of Merit Award winner, Reece is an internationally recognized poet and author.

Michele MA’KO’: The CEO of Publishing & Media Matters

Michele MA’KO`, the publisher of Florida Peach Publishing Inc., is a multi-faceted business entrepreneur; this is substantiated through her innovative endeavors. She is the proprietor of

  • Florida Peach Publishing, Inc.
  • Created For You, Inc.
  • Business and Entertainment Networking, Inc.
  • MA`KO` & The Outspoken Poets
  • MA’KO` Personalized Cards and T-Shirts
  • CO-Owner of ArtistAndAgents.com
  • Michele MA`KO` – Booking Agent for NBA & NFL Speakers & several other High Profile Professional Speakers

Michele MA`KO`s Marketing & Sales expertise was honed and sharpened during her twelve-years experience in Corporate America as a Corporate Sales Consultant for several Fortune 500 Corporations.

Michele’s career has been in the fields of:

  • life and health insurance
  • new and used car sales
  • stock market research for mutual funds and stocks
  • pre-arranged funeral sales manager
  • security systems
  • telecommunication
  • advertising

Michele MA’KO` majored in journalism, broadcasting, music, and video production. Michele’s creative-side:

  • Spoken Word Artist/Poet
  • Author
  • Motivational Speaker
  • Songwriter
  • Playwright
  • Booking Agent & Promoter
  • Publisher

Michele is Donating:

“Ten percent of my net earnings from my books, I am donating to: Abandoned children, psychologically and physically abused individuals, and people with AIDS.

I would like to encourage you to continue donating funds to organizations that help Mankind to “Live” as Human beings.

Please help someone who authentically needs you!”


Michele MA’KO`

©The Green Chopling-Axesis, AkA ©The Green Chopling
©The Green Chopling-Axesis, AkA ©The Green Chopling

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